30 September, 2014

ACT Resources

ACT Student Test Prep
 - This site is the official ACT site. Here you will find practice tests, question of the day, test tips, etc.

USA Test Prep
- This is a site provided to you by LSN. You were sent your username and password in an email from Dr. Meisenheimer.  This is a great site to practice individual ACT skills or take the practice tests.

Tips to improve ACT

ACT Reading Challenge
- Helps you learn the top 100 vocab words for the ACT.

ACT Vocabulary Words
- Here is a list of vocabulary words that can help with reading comprehension and recognition.

More ACT Vocabulary

ACT- English: Grammar/Mechanics Flashcards

Top 10 Grammar Rules for ACT

ACT Punctuation Rules

ACT Grammar Refresher

ACT Grammar Practice Questions
- This is a great site to go through the questions and review the answers to determine if there is a pattern in questions you are missing. The answers are very thorough in explaining the skill. This will be very helpful.

US World Report- 3 Keys for Success on Science Test- ACT

ACT Science Practice test
- This site has the questions and an answer key.
Science Practice test

29 September, 2014

PSAT Practice Resources

Here are some great resources to help you prepare for the PSAT:


Full PSAT PDF Practice Test
Full PSAT PDF Practice Test 2
Specific PSAT Skills
- This site will give give you a general overview of the PSAT and some great modules for the specific skills assessed on the PSAT. Focus on the answers and the rationale for what determines the RIGHT answer.

PSAT Vocabulary Flash Cards
PSAT Vocab List
PSAT/SAT Vocab List
PSAT Quizlet Vocab
PSAT Vocab- Prefixes and Suffixes
- These are links to vocabulary flash cards/lists that can help with the critical reading and writing skills tests

College Board PSAT practice site
- This site provides an in depth look at the PSAT from the College Board.

USA Test Prep
- Though this is not a specific site for PSAT, there are some SAT test questions that may be helpful. I would stick with this site for writing and reading practice... If you go to the math questions, stick with the lower numbered questions.

PSAT Math Section
- This is a PDF math practice test from McGraw-Hill

Kaplan YouTube Math Links
- A great collection of math tutorial links

PSAT Math "Backsolving"

PSAT How to Guess Strategically- Math

PSAT Grid-In Video Example

31 July, 2014

Supplies for Schulenberg-Cole's Classes

The following are the suggested supplies that students will need for my classes:

1. 3-ringed binder (This will be your best friend for organization with class materials)
2. Loose-leaf paper (For binder.. pretty obvious)
3. Binder dividers. (Sectioning off class notes... class handouts... homework, etc.)
4. Familiarity with Google Drive and Google account. (This will be utilized often)
5. Pens (Anything turned into me will be in pen or typed)
6. Post-its. The little cube works best!
7. An open mind (Not sure if these are applicable during the tax-free weekend, or not) :)

LSN ACT Information

Click on the following link to access:
National Test Dates and LSN Prep Class Schedule